On the occasion of World Heart Day in Bhopal, the capital of Madhya Pradesh, Chief Minister Mr. Shivraj Singh Chouhan flagged off the healthy heart awareness vehicle under the "Dil ki Suno" campaign of Apollo Sage Hospitals. This campaign will cover 19 districts of Madhya Pradesh for 30 days. In this heart awareness campaign, heart disease sufferers will get free consultation by senior cardiologists of Apollo Sage Hospitals Bhopal. Chief Minister, who participated in the program, said that due to changing lifestyle, stress, wrong eating habits and changing ways of living, every second person in the society is unhealthy. Almost every family has someone or the other related to sugar, blood pressure and heart. He said that in the changing environment we will have to be knowledgeable and conscious about health. Only then will our society become healthy. Through this campaign Apollo Sage Hospitals, Bhopal is focusing on creating awareness about having a healthy heart.