The ApolloSage Hospital is envisioned as a dream to make healthcare more accessible, affordable, and accountable to the general public. We have maintained the word society at the forefront of our organization since the beginning. Building client trust has always motivated us to strive for excellence in infrastructure, technology, medical teams, patient care teams, processes, and emotions. It was difficult to make the decision to establish a new healthcare business. And with every barrier we faced, The Sage team dug in their heels and overcame the obstacles with their zeal to make ApolloSage a caring healthcare company – zeal to establish a relationship of trust with regular people. I cannot express my gratitude to my staff enough for their commitment to the growth of our firm. We want to be a robust, well-integrated, excellence-seeking healthcare organization by achieving center-of-excellence status in a wide range of specialties and super specialties.
Executive Director,
Apollo Sage Hospital
Executive Director,
The Sage Group
Executive Director,
The Sage Group
Pro Chancellor,
The SAGE Group
Apollo Sage Hospital
ApolloSage Hospitals: Largest Ultramodern Multi Specialty Hospital In Bhopal, MP
The Sage Group, the fastest-growing and leading conglomerate in Central India, is synonymous with quality and trust in various sectors like education, electric infrastructure, social work, and construction. The consistency of our four decades of hard work and teamwork inspires us to contribute to the HEALTHCARE domain with the vision of providing the latest technology-enabled healthcare facilities for a healthier society. With the aim to provide the best medical services at the personal and corporate level, we initiate our venture into healthcare facilities, ApolloSage Hospital - the best hospital in Bhopal to serve society sagely.
ApolloSage Hospital is our new venture in the medical and healthcare vertical to provide the best healthcare facilities sagely. We operate more than 25 healthcare facilities and 350+ beds (100+ critical care beds), 9 highly equipped operation theatres, flat-panel cath lab, advanced MRI and CT, and Scan machine.
Our integrity, innovation, and understanding of the needs of times and paradigm transformation are pillars of our company's top position in various industries. With an abundance of Awards and Recognition, The SAGE has achieved a splendid track record, as we stick to our motto of "Bringing Happiness to Society.
ApolloSage Hospital envisions improving the health and well-being of the community by providing world-class patient care, medical education, and training. We work to be trusted by the people who need healthcare, valued partners in the community, and creators of positive change.
We are committed to providing patient-centered, quality medical care and services to people in a highly efficient environment. Apollo Healthcare has a robust presence across the healthcare ecosystem. From routine wellness & preventive health care to innovative life-saving treatments and diagnostic services, Apollo Hospitals has touched more than 120 million lives from over 120 countries, offering the best clinical outcomes. Sharing the larger vision with Apollo, The SAGE Group is joining hands with the largest network of the world’s finest and brightest medical experts who provide compassionate care using outstanding expertise and advanced technology.