ApolloSage Hospitals
Dr saurabh dubey
Dr Saurabh Dubey

Dr Saurabh Dubey
Surgical gastroenterologist
MS, DrNB (Surgical Gastroenterology & HepatoPancreatoBiliary Surgery)
Total Experience:- 6 Years
About Doctor
Dr. Saurabh Dubey works as a GI surgeon specialist at Apollo Sage Hospital, Bhopal. As a specialist in Advanced laparoscopic GI & HPB surgery and GI Oncology, he is continuously serving in this field with a total of 6 years of experience. His MBBS has completed in the year 2013 from the KAPV Govt. Medical College, Tiruchirapalli, Tamil Nadu. He pursued his MS in general surgery from Gandhi Medical College, Bhopal in 2017. He further pursued DRNB (Surgical Gastroenterology) from Medanta - The Medcity in Gurgaon, Haryana in 2021.