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Osteoporosis: A Silent Bone Disease That Needs Your Attention

Osteoporosis: A Silent Bone Disease That Needs Your Attention

Osteoporosis is a disease that causes your bone to become weak and lose their density. You are more susceptible to fracture if you are suffering from it. Women are more at risk of developing osteoporosis than men, because of their hormonal changes when they reach the menopausal stage their estrogen level decreases, which directly affects their bone density. Do you know that you are silently suffering from Osteoporosis, but you got aware of it when you broke your bone or go for a health checkup for a bone density test. Take a look at this bone-breakable disease and prevent it by knowing its symptoms early.

What is Osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a disease of bones where your bones become brittle and fragile. After the age of 50, you start to lose bone density and the ability to regrow itself.
But if you develop osteoporosis your chances are high to lose bone density and the ability to regenerate bone itself.
Bone tissue has the tendency to regenerate itself, it means bones are constantly being worn down and regrowing themselves. But as you age your ability to create new bones become lower than the loss of the older bone. 
In Osteoporosis most commonly occur fractures in are wrist, hip, or spine

What Causes Osteoporosis?

Bone has a natural tendency to replace their own cells, and tissues and regenerate itself throughout your whole life. Till the age of 30, you are capable of creating more bone tissues and cells than the loss of it.

But after the age of 35, you’ll be started to lose bone at a faster rate than to replace itself. Which gradually loses your bone mass.
People who are suffering from osteoporosis tend to lose bone mass at a faster rate.
There are other red flags that cause osteoporosis –:  
It says that positive combinations always lead to positive results and negative combinations lead to negative results. If you have a certain disease it is likely you’ll develop osteoporosis.

  • Hormone disorders like thyroid and diabetes
  • Gastrointestinal disorder
  • Autoimmune diseases like leukemia and rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis
  • Women after menopause 
  • Age 50
  • Alcohol and drug use
  • Family history
  • lifestyle

Symptoms of Osteoporosis 
Osteoporosis is a silent bone disease that you are suffering from it, but don’t know about it. So it is recommended that you should visit the physicians and conduct the bone density test.

Symptoms that include -

  • Lower back pain
  • Changes in your natural posture
  • Shortness of breath (As your lung capacity got reduced your capacity)
  • Weak and brittle nails
  • Receding gums

In a serious condition sometimes when you sneeze and fall down on the floor, you break and fracture your bones.

Diagnosis of Osteoporosis: Better to Know It Earlier
The golden test for Osteoporosis is considered to be DEXA (dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry) which evaluates bone density in you.

How to conduct the DEXA Test for Osteoporosis?
Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) machine sends X-rays through whole body bone, in order to calculate bone density. In this five-minute procedure, you have to simply lie on your back while the scanner passes over your body.

The main pinpoint that measures your bone density are the lumbar spine, hip, femoral, and neck. 
The DEXA scan will give you a number of T-scores for bone density tests in your body. 
World Health Organisation (WHO) provides standard T-scores for bone density test

  • If your T- score is normal -1 or greater then your bone density is normal.
  • If your bone density test is between - 1 and - 2.5, like -1.2, -1.6, or -2.4 you have low bone density, known as Osteopenia but not osteoporosis.
  • If your T-score is -2.5 or less you have osteoporosis, your score must be between -2.6, 3.3, and -3.9.

Preventive Steps for Osteoporosis - Slow down your bone loss
When your bone density test DEXA shows that you have a T-score of -2.5 or less, it is a must you 
should go for the health care provider. Your doctor provides treatment according to it.
Exercise -  
Exercise can strengthen your bones, your physiotherapist might suggest weight-bearing exercises to strengthen your muscles and train your balance. 
You can combine it with weight-bearing exercise, or balance exercise. Walking, jogging, running, stair climbing, skipping rope, skiing, and impact-producing sports. Traditional Chinese Tai chi can improve your balance.

Vitamin and Mineral Supplements -
You might need a prescription for calcium or vitamin supplements.
 For normal people they need Vit D 600 IU and people after the age of 70 need 800 IU.
Vitamin D supplement includes 600 to 4000 IU is safe for most people.

Taking sunlight in the morning is also the safest place for you to boost your Vitamin D supplements.

In India a normal adult male and female requires 600 mg/day, for lactating and pregnant mothers it increases to 1,200 mg/day.

Foods that Improve the Bone Health -
Canned Salmon
 For salmon lovers, you are acing the race to gain a good amount of calcium and omega fatty acids too.  3 Ounce of salmon includes - 180 mg of calcium

Plant Milks -  
No matter cow and buffalo milk are best, but if you are drawn towards plant milk then soy, almonds, and rice are the best.
Dosage are - 8 ounces contains = 350 to 400 mg

A brain booster nut is used for memory power but it is good for bone health too. 
Half a cup of almonds = 190 mg of calcium

Latest Research In Osteoporosis -

A pill that can treat osteoporosis: A new developing Research -
What is fascinating is that you can take pills orally and completely heal from osteoporosis. Scientists from Florida International University Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine collaborated with the team of research National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) researching drug development. 

The drug target the hormone receptor called relaxin family peptide receptor 2 (RXFP2), known to play a role in the formation of reproductive organs.
Researchers tested these drugs in mouse models which marked the improvement in bone density.

Final Say - 
Osteoporosis is a silent disease that slowly sabotages our bones. Women suffer more than men because after menopause their estrogen level decreases, which affects our bone health.

Bone tissues have the tendency to break and regenerate bones in our body. But after 35 our capacity to regenerate bones become slower and our bone break at faster rates. It is must at this age you should go to physicians and conduct a bone density test.

As it is a silent disease, you should prevent it by taking actions such as exercise, eating healthy foods that strengthen your bones, supplements is another way to make your bone healthy.

It is always best that you should go to physicians for consultation. 
Remember three factors are important to keep our bones healthy - 
Exercise and a healthy lifestyle
Ca-rich foods
Bone density test after the age of 35

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