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How to Take Care of Your New Born: A Tender and Scientific Approach for Your Little Angel

How to Take Care of Your New Born: A Tender and Scientific Approach for Your Little Angel

Newborn baby care is always a mind-boggling job for mothers. If you are a new mother who recently gave birth to a baby, your constant worry is all focused on how to give your little flower proper care.

Your mind is filled with so many questions like

  1. How to give your newborn baby the best care possible.
  2. When and how many times do you have to breastfeed your newborn
  3. The right procedure for bathing your children

To find the answer you consult your pediatricians, begin to read so many books on newborn baby care, and nag yourselves in the hoards of blogs on the internet and in the end, you get confused.

To clear out all your doubts, I am giving you step by step guide on how to care for your newborn baby.

Immediate Care for New Born Just After the Birth

As we all know neonates require gentle caring after birth. When you hear the first cry of your baby the first step hospital staff do is to put your baby on your chest, so your little cry can feel the warmth and touch of your body.
A mother's touch is important because skin-to-skin contact between mother and baby helps regulates the baby's temperature, heart rate, and breathing.
For premature and low-weight newborns - Premature babies and low-weight born baby has low body fats, so they are not able to regulate their own body temperature. For this purpose 
immediate requires of skin-to-skin contact from their mother is a must to better reduce infections, and hypothermia and it’ll also improve feeding.

Give Your New Born a Gentle Bath

Newborn baby skin is gentle and soft and it requires extra care when it comes to bathing. 
After 24 hrs. Of birth, you can sponge your bundle of joy with a smooth clean, and wet towel. 
You can start to bathe your baby after the umbilical cord is fall off, usually, it is fall off within 7-10 days.

Tiny steps for your baby to bath -

  • For your baby, you can use a clean bathtub. For their skin, you can use baby soap and for their hair, you can use gentle baby shampoo.
  • For their clogged nose, you can use the infant-size nasal bulb syringe to clean the mucus.

Few signs in your baby’s body that are harmless -

  • If you see acne on your baby’s face, don’t panic it is harmless and will diminish on its own.
  • Sometimes your tiny bubs develop a scaly scalp condition called cradle cap, which typically disappears in the first few months. 

Breastfeed Your Newborn: Tips for New Mothers -
For every newborn breastfeeding is a must because mother’s milk has curative properties and it’ll also help the nursing mother to bond with their baby. A mother initially produces yellow nutrient-filled thick milk called colostrum.

Doctors recommend that you must breastfeed your baby for six months. You should breastfeed your baby 5-6 times during the day and 2-4 times during the night. Frequent nursing will enhance the production of milk in the mother.
If you have any problems feeding your child or your child is unable to get hold of your nipples, you should ask for help from the hospital staff.

Do’s and Don’t for Nursing Mothers -

  • The first important deal for the nursing mother is to get herself nutritiously sufficient. As a nursing mother, you should add extra 300-400 calories to your diet. You should also drink 8-9 glasses of water daily. 
  • Due to any emergencies, if you are away from your baby for a few days, you can use an electric pump or manual hand pumps to express your breastfeed milk.
  • According to CDC, you can store your pump breastfed milk for 4 hrs at room temperature and 4 days in the refrigerator.
  • Do not get tensed and confused, when you are pumping your milk because your ejection reflex is inhibited, so just sit on your comfy chair and relax, calm yourself.
  • Don’t fret when your baby does not burp sometime they’ll take time and burp when they need to.

Your Newborn Baby Poop
Most of the new mother’s minds get hooked in worry about their baby’s poop. You begin to check how many times they poop, and you begin to check their poop color, whether they have diarrhea or not?

Here is the answer to all your question regarding the baby’s poop

Normally neonates will pass thick black or dark-green color poop called meconium, which is normal. 
Your newborn baby's poop color change from yellow-green and later it’ll turn into a yellow color.
Within a few days of breastfeeding, your baby will begin to have six-eight bowel movements daily.

If your baby has a diarrhea problem then you have to consult your pediatrics. 

Some most common questions and answers asked by new mothers -:
Q. How to care for an umbilical cord stump?

Ans-: This is a most common but not to be avoided question asked by new mothers. The umbilical cord stump usually falls off within 5-7 days of the baby’s birth. For its care, you should air dry the stump. When the umbilical cord stump is there, you just sponge your baby’s body. If you find any puss or blood near the umbilical cord stump, you should consult your nearest pediatrician.

Q. Can we use diapers for newborn babies?
Whether you should choose a diaper or cotton nappies for your babies the choice is all yours. But you should be wary of your baby's bottom area because it is the most delicate and sensitive area, any problem in that part will give your chubby cheeks a hard time. 
Here are a few steps to keep it clean and healthy -:

  • You should keep air dry in your baby’s private area, 
  • you can use loo paper to clean that area. 
  • Apply a rash cream when you find a rash in the private parts of your baby.

Q. Are Vaccines safe for my newborn?
Yes, vaccines are safe and secure for your baby. If your babies get sick after the vaccination, you don’t have to worry about it because it is harmless.

Q. Does Kajal is healthy for babies' eyes?

Commercial Kajal or Kajal brought from the market contains lead toxic which is unsafe for your baby's eyes. As per the reports from Food and Drug Administration, commercial kajal comprises 50% lead sulfide.
So big no from using any sort of kajal in your baby's eyes.

Best Neonatology Hospital in Bhopal -
Apollo SAGE Hospital in Bhopal has India’s best and most eminent child specialists, whose consultation and treatment are comforting for new mothers and their babies.
Here at Apollo, our doctors provide the best treatment for neonates and small babies
We are not treating the neonates as our patients, but we are giving life to the little angels, which bring joyous and positive vibes to the world.

For any queries related to your newborn baby, you can consult our Pediatricians 

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