Your baby is your lifeline and we at Apollo Sage Anandam Hospitals make sure that your baby
receives the best treatment possible and care.
Apollo Sage Anandam Neonatology with level III facilities, that are equipped with state-of-the-art
facilities and hi-tech equipment and machines for the treatment of newborn babies who are
critically ill.
NICU Level III is specially designed for immediate-born babies who are critically ill and babies
who are born with congenital defects and other complications like meconium aspiration or
respiratory disease.
We have specially trained physicians who are available 24x7 hrs for emergency cases. Our
experts treat conditions like -:
Birth trauma that causes brain disorders or other neurological disorders
Neonatal Jaundice
Ovarian Cyst
Newborn Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Hemolytic disorders
Congenital birth defects
Our registered nurses, lactation consultant, and other staff members are available 24x7 hrs. to
provide better support and care to your children. We ensure that the baby and mother bond
affectionately when babies are admitted to NICU level III we fed them expressed breast milk.
At Sage Anandam with advanced-level treatment, highly qualified & trained physicians are
available to treat the diseases with 100% care and surety.
Our Services -
Apollo Sage Anandam always provides the finest services to our little patients. When it’s come
to your baby’s health you always choose the best experts with the best services.
Here you can find advanced equipment and hi-tech facilities with excellent experts.
Diseases include respiratory disorders, digestion-related disorders, neonates jaundice, birth
defects etc.
Treatments Include -
Incubators: sometimes known as isolettes in modern parlance are enclosed
plastic containers used to keep newborn infants warm and assist in regulating
their body temperatures. Incubators are also used for babies with breathing
problems, gestational diabetes, infection, low birth weight, surgery, or trauma.
Phototherapy::In order to properly treat pathological unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia
(jaundice), phototherapy is the primary line of treatment. The neonatologist exposes the infant
to a particular form of light during the therapy in order to facilitate the infant's liver's breakdown
and removal of bilirubin from the blood. It lowers TSB to acceptable levels, lowers the danger of
bilirubin poisoning, and lessens the requirement for infant exchange transfusions.
Constant Diarrhea:Constant diarrhea in newborn infants is frequently a difficult clinical
condition. At Sage Anandam your baby got gentle care, pampering, and the best treatment for any
condition, but we make sure that you leave the hospital with a smile on your face.