Sage Anandam fetal medicine is dedicated to providing comprehensive care to make sure your baby
remains healthy while inside your womb by preventing, diagnosing, and managing fetal conditions.
To continuously improve your health and your baby’s health and wellbeing, we diagnose fetal illnesses
early, and regularly follow up and intervene at the right time. Should the baby need surgery, our highly
qualified pediatric surgeons, pediatricians, neonatologists, and anesthesiologists along with our
obstetricians work closely together on a treatment plan to be executed at the right time after delivery.
We provide a complete Fetal Screening Program which includes:
Chromosomal abnormalities
Genetic abnormalities
Structural abnormalities
Risk of prematurity
Risk of placental insufficiency or growth restriction
Multiple pregnancy risks
Why the need to screen?
The following are reasons a pregnancy and fetus may be at risk, and fetal screening is important to
reduce the risk of the baby having morbidity or mortality:
Increasing maternal age
Increase the use of assisted reproductive techniques
Any genetic disorders
Pre-existing maternal disorders such as diabetes, high blood pressure, PCOS, Thyroid disease,
Autoimmune Disease, Obesity, and others.